Rivers, Wetlands
and Ponds
ELMS can consult and implement projects for the restoration, enhancement and creation of river, wetland and pond habitats.
River Restoration
Re-connecting rivers with there catchments and floodplain is a key part of tackling biodiversity and habitat loss in rivers and increasing flood resilience. ELMS offer a full range of services from early engagement, design, funding and implementation of river restoration and floodplain re-connectivity.
If you are a aquatic or riparian land owner contact us to discuss potential options to improve the biodiversity and flood resilience of your land. We are able to source potential funding schemes and by using us at an early stage we can make sure your project suits the requirements both for you and nature. ​

River Restoration Services
Rivers re-naturalisation - Narrowing, feature creation including riffles, bars, berms and Meanders. Habitat creation fish pools.
Re-profiling, bank modification and re-naturalisation
Wetland habitat creation - Marginal areas around rivers as part of habitat enhancement works and flood alleviation solutions.
Re-vegetating - Coir installation, hydro-seeding and Conventional seeding.
Surveys of river habitats.​
Fish passage and re-naturalisation design and construction services.

Wetland and Pond Creation
and Management
ELMS can advice and implement wetland and Pond habitat creation schemes, Using in house ecologists and experience in conservation, civil engineering and environmental sectors we can offer a solution that fits your requirements.
Ranging from ecological mitigation, landscape and catchment wide flood alleviation, habitat enhancement and sustainable urban drainage solutions. ​​​
Wetland and Pond Services
Pond creation for small or large habitat enhancement works. Domestic and commercial level pond design and creation.
Reedbed creation and maintenance.
Wetland scrapes, pond creation and maintenance. ​
Creation of wildlife habitats and mitigation works associated with Rivers, Wetland and Ponds. Including Water vole habitat mitigation and creation, Great crested newt habitat creation and fish habitat restoration.